September 20, 2009

Scripture Passage: John 14
"How I Know the Truth"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

September 13, 2009

Scripture Passages: Ecclesiastes 12: 9-14; Matthew 22: 36-40
"What is a Worldview"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

September 6, 2009

Scripture Passage: Isaiah 53: 1-12
"Jesus Christ - The Suffering Servant"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

August 30, 2009

Scripture Passages: Exodus 17: 1-17; John 7: 37-44
"Jesus Christ - The Rock of my Salvation"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs
Opening Pastoral Prayer by Tony Woods of Carmen Ministries

MP3 File