May 25, 2008

Scripture Passages: Luke 19: 1-10
"Encounters with Christ: The Rich Man, Zacchaeus"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

Installation of Pastor Allan Briggs

Sunday, May 18, 2008, 3:00 PM

MP3 File

May 18, 2008

Scripture Passages: John 9: all
"The Blind Man Encounters Christ"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

May 11, 2008

Scripture Passages: II Timothy 1: 1-5 & 3: 14-15
"A Godly Heritage"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

May 4, 2008

Scripture Passage: John 8: 1-11
"The Adulteress Encounters Christ"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File