July 26, 2009

Scripture Passages: Judges 6: 11-24a; 1 Corinthians 1: 27
"Unlikely Heroes of the Faith"
This message is by Deacon Steve Jacobson

MP3 File

July 19, 2009

Scripture Passages: Genesis 22: 1-14; Hebrews 11: 17-19
"The True and Better Sacrifice"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

July 12, 2009

Scripture Passages: Genesis 14: 18-20; Hebrews 7: 1-11
"The True and Better High Priest"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

July 5, 2009

Scripture Passages: Genesis 1: 26-27,2:7; Romans 5: 12-19
"A True and Better Adam"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

June 28, 2009

Scripture Passage: Luke 24: 13-32
"On the Road with Jesus"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File