December 28, 2008

Scripture Passage: Luke 2: 21-40
"Waiting for the Messiah"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

December 24, 2008

Children's Message: "Jesus is the Light of the World"
Adult's Message: "The Light of Christmas"
These messages are by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

December 21, 2008

Scripture Passage: Luke 2: 1-7
"The World of Jesus' Day: God's Underdog"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

December 14, 2008

Scripture Passage: Matthew 2: 1-12
"The World of Jesus' Day: The Wise Men"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File

December 7, 2008

Scripture Passage: Matthew 2: 1-23
"The World of Jesus: Herod the Great"
This message is by Pastor Allan Briggs

MP3 File